Summer 2018 Reading List

Summer 2018 Reading List

As you settle into May, I want to share with you some of our favorites reads from the beginning of the year. Finding time for rest + relaxation in the evening is a priority of mine. As my oil diffuser is going, I love reading a good book that will fill my mind with positive thoughts before I rest. 

Summer 2018 Reading List

1.Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Throughout our day to day lives we face the reality of vulnerability and often times shy away from it. But what if instead, we embraced vulnerability and used it as a tool to advance through life and ultimately, dare greatly?

There is something so warm about the way Brene Brown writes. From the moment I picked up the book, I felt like I was sitting with her and talking over a cup of coffee. She’s honest, open, and well, of course, vulnerable. The lessons I learned about embracing vulnerability to live out our real potential in my personal life, professional career, and family have changed the way I view situations, approached conversations, and reflect on myself. I loved Brown’s writing style, her passion for her research, and the powerful new views on vulnerability. 

2. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 

Eckhart Tolle teaches us how to find our minds in the present moment and harness the true power of living in the now and connecting with our inner being.

Eckhart Tolle writes this book in the form of question/answer to provide insight into what the Power of Now is and how it can affect your life. This is not my first time reading this book, but each page is a refreshing reminder that too often we rush through life forcing our minds to float in the past and stressing over things that have not happened yet. Soaking in the moments occurring right now, I am able to find gratitude more often and live in a pain-free, accepting identity. In the very fast-paced world, I live in, The Power of Now is a moment to breathe.

3. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

You are a badass. Simply put. Jen Sincero teaches us how to find our potential and harness all the power in it.

Ok, so you know I am a little late to this game. But, after reading this book, I would read it over and over again. I needed that little kick to remind me that I am great and that I can harness my greatness to achieve everything that I want. I loved each wake-up call, helpful habits, and finding my own potential.

Have you read anything inspiring lately? 

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