
bi-weekly letters to keep you curious + inspired

At the jump of 2023, I began writing more letters. I transitioned a 3-year practice of writing a monthly letter to writing a bi-weekly letter that shared more about the intersection of living and creative practice. And I learned that there is a lot of value in sharing your humanness with others. It provides deeper context which aids in more ideas—more inspiration.

Now, I am embarking on creating a side-b. A more intimate expression and reflection of both my life and my creative practice. Documented as both written and audio entries, it’s a place to find inspiration and support. To encourage ongoing discovery, perspective, and community to springboard ideas.

for both the collector and the artist

This endeavor brings together my experiences and my reflections as I process my muse. To offer you inspiration and support.

  • Letters from me to you. Bi-weekly, you’ll receive a letter from me in written words (and often accompanied by an audio voiceover) about my experience of the intersection of living and creative practice. Letters will be delivered via email to your inbox.

  • Side-b is the other side of my letters—it’s a more intimate expression and reflection of both my life and my creative practice. Documented as both written and audio entries, it’s a place to find inspiration and support and springboard new ideas. Preview here →

    Side-b gives you personal access to:

    • Audio notes on reflections and musings

    • A look at my camera roll, including my film explorations

    • Current books I’m reading and how I am thinking about them

    • Curated playlists around different concepts to keep you company

  • You’ll have the opportunity to reply to all letters - to share your thoughts with me and join a greater friendship among community members. I’ve been writing letters for over 3 years, and in the replies, I know you’ll find kindred friendship. After all, that’s the beauty of letters, isn’t it?

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bi-weekly letters

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