20 Affirmations to be Inspired By

20 Affirmations to be Inspired By - Lauren Sauder #affirmations #routines #dailyroutines affirmations for women, affirmations for creatives, affirmations positive, affirmations quotes, affirmation ideas

It takes time to have the confidence to understand, write, and practice affirmations. They are complex, intimidating, and personal. Over the course of the year, I have focussed a lot on personal development, learning to slow down, find routines, and celebrate the things that bring me closer to my dreams. It has taken all this time, but I am beginning to compile a list of affirmations that resonate with me. Below is a list of 20 of my favorite affirmations. Take them, adapt them, and find what moves you closer to your dreams daily.

20 Affirmations to be Inspired By - Lauren Sauder #affirmations #routines #dailyroutines affirmations for women, affirmations for creatives, affirmations positive, affirmations quotes, affirmation ideas

  1. Today I intend to be strong. I will make bold moves that put me closer to my dreams.

  2. I refuse to relinquish my life and dreams to fear. I am the only one with a say and am confident in my decisions.

  3. I do not entertain the lies that my mind tells me. I am mature enough to sort through my thoughts and take control of my mindset.

  4. I will not allow negative thoughts to occupy my mind. Everything is working out to my benefit. The universe is by my side paving a path to my happiness and success.

  5. I give myself permission to trust my dreams. My imagination is always at work building all the beautiful things that will happen to me.

  6. Each day I take strides towards my dreams. My success today, big or small, is lying the foundation for my future.

  7. I find harmony in each and everything I do. My mind and heart work cohesively together to work towards my abundant future.

  8. Happiness flows from me freely; I radiate with delight and I receive unimagined joy in my life.

  9. I am courageous and choose to live life slow, examine situations, and make wise decisions. I move towards my goals at my own pace with a clear mind. Anxiety does not overcome me.

  10. I am in tune with my mind and body. I give myself permission to rest and slow down when needed.

  11. Time and I are co-creators; I am working to design the life of my dreams.

  12. I will not live under pressure and comparison. I am building my life at my own pace and am choosing to design the life I love.

  13. Yesterday is passed and tomorrow has not come. I will celebrate and seek joy in each moment.

  14. I believe that words are a gift and I will use mine only to breathe life and inspire others to find their potential.

  15. I am full of beautiful new ideas that will add value to life (mine or others). I am faithful to produce and share what I do and see my work spreading like wildfire.

  16. I do not let fear control my work. Every day I am creating a solution to someone else’s problem.

  17. I am confident in who I am and in the work I produce. I speak with confidence and passion and know that what I have, someone else needs.

  18. I am confident in my spirit of collaboration. I am not hesitant to manifest a community and bring opportunity into all lives.

  19. I receive prosperity and abundance in my life and in my work. Money is everywhere and everything I touch turns to gold.

  20. I am worth everything on this Earth and will not sacrifice my health or mental stability for anything. I will prioritize my needs and wellness and goodness will follow.

Lauren Sauder Earth Pigments


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